Treasure Hunt 2015

The Treasure Hunt 2015 was held on the 20th of September 2015 at the Peradeniya Botanical Gardens with the participation of more than 60 club members, including around 50 new comers.
As per tradition Treasure Hunt 2015 was also held to promote bonding with the new comers of the club. It comprised of several team building activities that the partcipants had to face at each of the checkpoints that were situated at different locations in the Gardens.

Like always all these activities had to be carried out amidst a slight drizzle which only made it more interesting. It was a tough competition, but the team 'Punchi weerayo' emerged victorious and walked away with the trophy.

Treasure Hunt laid the foundation for many newly found friendships that would definitely strengthen our club during its future projects.

Editor - Upekha Miriyagalla


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